H. Reinecke GmbH

Longtime experience
Since 1982 in Soest / Germany
Since 1982 H. Reinecke GmbH is your partner for the manufacturing and reconditioning of Pelletizing Plates, Knife Holders and Pelletizing Knives for all extruders in petrochemical industry.
With more than 40 years of experience, we have the necessary know-how to meet your requirements in granulation technology and to manufacture our products specifically to your needs.
More than 20 professional employees manufacture the product range from the highest quality materials, which is tailored to the demanding granulation technology of today and tomorrow.
- Longtime specialization
- Competent consulting
- Highest quality
- Worldwide distribution
Most modern CNC-machines
Short lead times
Our most modern CNC-machines and our engineering know-how help us to manufacture the pelletizing plates and pelletizing knives of highest quality level.
Due to sustainable resource planning and stockpiling we can ensure
efficient and short lead times.
H. Reinecke GmbH will guide you in order to get the best possible
products for your demands.
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